Creating an effective “teaser” is an art form. It requires a harmonious balance of mystery and reveal; it is also a tenuous balance, for too much of either abates enticement. A company may present a teaser through a variety of media, adjusting the balance to fit the mode of delivery. Whether it comes in the form of pictures or video, with words or voice, a teaser’s power lies in its ability to connect with and inspire consumers.
The automotive industry capitalizes on the teaser to introduce the newest iterations of a model – or an all-new model – set for reveal at an auto show. Traditionally, a drape covers the frame that is just taut enough to give a general sense of the character lines. At the front of the vehicle, the brand’s marque, encompassed by two bright lights, appears barely perceptible through the curtain.
Nissan applied the formula to perfection for its teaser of a new pickup truck.
To celebrate 80 years of building pickup trucks, Nissan released the photo of this newest model just two days ago on its global Twitter account. The truck is scheduled for reveal on June 11th, 2014. The picture is actually the only evidence that the vehicle exists as the automaker released no other details; however, industry experts believe, since it was tweeted on the company’s global Twitter, that this will be an expansive release across multiple regions. The Titan already has a tentative unveiling at the 2015 Detroit Motor Show, so many point to the Frontier, a vehicle that has a presence in a few regions but has yet to see widespread distribution.
We will be sure to apprise you of any developments regarding this pickup truck, including specifics released during its reveal on June 11th.
If you are unfamiliar with the Nissan truck brand, the company also released the following video regarding its heritage in the pickup market.
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